Molt més que una escola: un projecte de futur per als vostres fills i filles
Alliances and external projects
Alliance with CERCA
The CERCA institution brings together all research centers. Over 13,000 people work to advance society.
Educational Transformation Laboratory
The Educational Transformation Laboratory is an R+D initiative that falls within the scope of educational policies aimed at strengthening the Catalan school model with the transformative goal of enhancing the educational quality of schools in Catalonia. It is a department strategy that involves the collaboration and support of various units within the Department, Territorial Services, the Barcelona Education Consortium, and partnerships with the stakeholders, particularly local administration and university ICEs.
This departmental initiative is based on various successful school experiences, particularly the Escola Nova 21 program.
Virolai School, which was a driving force behind the latter initiative, now participates as a Reference Center in the Educational Transformation Laboratory to help achieve meaningful and effective models of educational transformation within the paradigm of continuous improvement for schools throughout Catalonia.
The pedagogical reflections arising from the teaching teams at the schools at the beginning of the 2021-2022 academic year are captured in the following document.
ERASMUS+ Project
Art4Emotion: Building bridges between the Educational and Artistic sectors to enhance resilience and promote emotional self-regulation.
Project to unite education and the artístic field to enhance students’ resilience and promote emotional regulation.
BEPART: Making youth participation visible in school management.
Actively involving young people in participatory activities will provide them with opportunities to empower themselves socially and civically.
DETECT: Developing Teachers’ Critical Digital Literacies
Developing an understanding of teachers’ needs regarding critical digital literacies in a school context. Raising awareness among educators about the complexity of using digital technologies and social media for educational and institutional purposes. Educating educators so they can make pedagogically meaningful and safe use of digital technologies.
This project will provide the opportunity for 8 schools in the STEMcat program to develop and enhance professional competencies of their teachers by participating in training courses and job shadowing in different schools within the European Community.
A project aimed at informing teachers and students about the potential long-term effects of stress and equipping them with the skills to mitigate these potential complications.
Data Literate
Erasmus+ project to train high school teachers in digital data literacy to identify misinformation and manage information overload.
Microconsortium MATE KA120 Escolar Erasmus + 2021-2027
Its mission is to consolidate an inclusive System that promotes the personal and professional development of the citizenry following the objectives of ET2020 and the 2021 Agenda of the United Nations.
MUFPS Practicum Innovation Program
Educational innovation program MUFPS practices (courses 2019-2022)
Participation in networks
- Virolai is a driving force behind the new school XXI Educational Innovation project.
More information. - UNESCO Associated Schools Network
- Catalonia Sustainable Schools Network
- We Promote Health Schools Network
- Association of Trams Schools for Internationalization
- Catalan School Association
Participation in projects
- Participation in European Projects
- PICI Project with Blanquerna University on flipped learning
- IBS+E Project with UAB on science in English
- ARMIF Project with Blanquerna University on science and assessment records using PLE and digital resources (era-tic)
- Erasmus+ Project: Collaborative Design for Smart Pupils/System.
- Our students participate in:
- I+D*I Project by the San Patricio Foundation
- Young Scientist’s Parliament
- University Debate League
- Audicrea Competition
- Cosmocaixa Explainers Program
- Young and Science by Catalunya-La Pedrera Foundation.