Molt més que una escola: un projecte de futur per als vostres fills i filles
In Virolai, the educational team aims to help boys and girls develop attitudes and skills that will serve them in life. For this reason, the teacher’s staff adapts to the uniqueness of each of them, considering them as the protagonists of their education.
The today’s digital society, the teacher is no longer the only transmitter of knowledge. Despite their role as educators, the teaching staff has transformed into guides and companions in the student’s extended learning journey. In this new model, teachers pursue a role beyond their specialization, in a more holístic manner, to ensure the overall learning of the students as well as their evaluation. When we place the students at the center of the learning process, the evaluation of this process should be a shared effort: the student should assess their own learning process and, for this purpose, they need interaction and feedback from the teachers.
This transformation establishes new dynamics: teamwork, and training plans among teachers that enable new proposals and projects connected to the real world. Both the teachers and the students, as well as the school, are engaged in an ongoing process of learning.